have been neglectful of fashion lately...
like anything that you deprive yourself of for long enough, shoes, bags (ps1 be mine forever) and clothes are currently playing on my mind a little more than is healthy!
2 favourite *affordable* brands at present are bec and bridge (great simple silk party dresses by talented aussie duo)...if you can move past the styling on the site, there are many gems to be found. my feelings are they are best worn with minimal makeup, a go anywhere attitude, and without; a curling iron/bangles/gladiators.
and secondly filippa K. the new season is like a cross between chuck bass, stephan schneider, and country road.
one reason i love filippa K is that right now in 09, i have in heavy rotation, a pair of her black elasticated-ankle 'pyjama pants' circa 2004, five years old and still so wearable...with grey cotton singlets for day/ and with silk and jewellery for night.

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